How To Dragon Shout Stick Of Truth Xbox
There are guides in the guides section for both keyboard and controler. If your using controler you would simply hold R stick down and press L stick up I think ti was. Follow the little arrow on the outside of hte meter in the tutorials was my trick. Then press the r upwards when prompted dragon shout is easy.
8 Mar, 2014 @ 9:09am
theres an indicator on the outside of the frequency oval thats hard to spot at first
Exactly. You don't need to look at the A / D buttons at all, you just use A or D to move the little arrow on the outside of the oval to a certain setting. You'll know the right point when the frequency meter goes berserk.
I totally missed the indicator. Now it makes much more sense! Thanks guys
I totally miss the indicator the first time too . Man the explanation was way to hard to figure out , could they point out the arrow the first time!
Same here bro like others have said. I missed the indicator multiple times and I was getting upset myself. @DarkCrown said it best, the arrow should've been pointed out
lol I miss the tiny little indicator either
There IS no indicator OR frequency circle. Help?
Here's how they ♥♥♥♥ you, man. The stick indicator for the L stick shows it wiggling left and right. That's not what you do. You slowly rotate it all the way around in a circle, feeling for the strongest rumble. Like lockpicking in Oblivion/Bethesda games.
Last edited by BossStompTV; 3 Jul, 2017 @ 11:25am
15 Aug, 2017 @ 3:34pm
It wont work on my system. I am learning the skill from Cartman in his backyard. He shows the technique, but when I try it, It wont register my right stick being held down. It fails everytime! HELP!
16 Aug, 2017 @ 5:19am
I tried this on my save on another PC using an xbox 360 controller and it worked fine. Maybe the Xbox 1 controller is the issue?
Any tutorial for Steam controller? This is one of the worst tutorial i ever seen. Im stucked for hour now.
Originally posted by Major Problem:
Im finding it really hard to pass that tutorial with Cartman about the dragon shout. The rumble never stays. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. It souldnt be that difficult but I'm not quite getting padt this point.Anyone else having this problem?
You be better, I had too this problem
How To Dragon Shout Stick Of Truth Xbox
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